Where is the Industry Right Now?
Oil prices are up, and natural gas prices have improved. While most of E&P companies are gradually increasing their drilling programs, all operators are proactively trying to optimise production from existing wells and reduce downtime. There is a wealth of new and better production chemistry that can help solve age-old challenges. The Oilfield Chemicals Series conference brings industry leaders together to help you find it!
Reducing well and tubing failures on the production side
Efficiently managing chemical programs to mitigate Corrosion, Scale, Paraffin & Flow Assurance, Iron Sulphide & H2S
Overcoming surface pipeline failures
Minimising well downtime
Decreasing lease operating expenses as much as possible
​Technical Case Studies on when, where and what level of Digitalization is required in Chemical induced Well Failiures
Collaborative Discussions on the role the Oilfield Chemicals industry will play to manage Supply Chain pressures & accelerate the drive for Environmental Stewardship
Face to Face Networking opportunities for targeted Oilfield Chemical Production related groups
Along with this, automation is still a true challenge. There is now also a big push for data management, digital chemical management solutions, emerging technologies and environmentally friendly chemistries that can make oil recovery safer and more economical.
Recognising where the industry is right now, the annual Oilfield Chemicals Series is giving you the chance to look into chemical management programs of leading E&P and chemical companies showcasing:
Highly-Effective Strategies & Chemistries to Minimise Well/Tubing Failures
Strategies for Finding the Balance Between Spending & Chemical Performance
Emerging Chemistries that are Structured Differently, and have Longer-Term Effects and Persistence to Corrosion, Scale, Iron Sulphide, Paraffin, H2S and Water Management
Latest Technologies for Automated Chemical Injection & Digitalisation – including an exclusive on ‘Creating a Real-Time Chemical Management Dashboard for the Future’
Collaborative Dialogues Tying Cost to Value and Failure Frequencies
Best Practices for Supply Chain Management & Environmental Sustainability
And much more
Join our series of regional industry meetings where technical case studies and best practices are shared and exchanged, one-to-one meetings take place, relationships are built, and business gets done.
For sponsorship enquiries, contact Junior Nsiah at
For registration enquiries, please contact at
We look forward to welcoming you to the series in 2022!

Watch the highlight reel from GSN’s Oilfield Chemical Series North America conference – March 2024